

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Following our recent consultation regarding changes to our school uniform, I am writing to confirm the outcome and next steps. We are grateful for the extensive feedback from our school community, which has played a crucial role in this decision-making process.

Outcome of Consultation

The majority have agreed with the reasoning for the new uniform policy. These changes include:

PE Kit

  • Introduction of a more technical fabric that is dry-fit and better suited to physical activity
  • A new track suit, top and shorts that are unisex to allow family members to more easily pass on items of clothing

Main School Uniform

  • Charcoal Grey trousers become the only colour permitted, further distinguishing the All Saints uniform from those worn by other local schools
  • Ensuring equality by allowing all students to wear school trousers



These changes will take effect from September 2024 and they will be compulsory for all new Year 7 students joining the school. For students in Years 8 to 11, a one-year transition period will be permitted to give families time to adjust to the new uniform requirements.



The following flyer provides a full uniform price list, details of a 10% discount that is offer to all parents and information relating to a new store opening on March 25th.    


Thank you for your cooperation and support in maintaining the high standards and sense of pride within our school community.


Yours sincerely,


Mr Bonnar 

First Deputy Headteacher

All Saints School




“We are all one in Christ, our mission and our responsibility is to recognize all individuals in our community as part of the body of Christ and to value them accordingly in our treatment of them, thriving and progressing in a spirit of togetherness”

(1 Cor. 12:29)


All students, Years 7-11 are expected to wear school uniform and sixth formers wear the sixth form uniform.

The Governors of All Saints expect parents to undertake to provide uniform for the student's entire school career.

The Governors, Headteacher and staff of All Saints expect parents to support the school in the reasonable enforcement of the uniform regulations.

Parents can purchase the All Saints School uniform including PE kit online. The website for Premier School Wear is https://www.premierschoolwear.co.uk.Items

Alternative vendors may be used to purchase generic items from the uniform list which do not contain an emblem or badge.

All items of school uniform, P.E. kit and bags must be clearly marked with the name of the student.

Essential Uniform





Blazer (black) with school badge.

Blazer (black) with school badge.


Shirt (white).

Shirt (white)


Trousers (black)

Pleated Skirt (mid-grey) knee length at minimum.



School emblem Sweater (mid-grey) with badge.

School emblem Sweater  (mid-grey) with badge.


All Saints School Tie.

All Saints School Tie.          


Socks (mid-grey or black not white).

Socks (knee length /white) or Tights (black) – Not socks and tights together.


Shoes (black) no above ankle boots.

Shoes (black - max 1" heel – no boots).


Topcoat – Plan navy blue or black.

Topcoat – Plain navy blue or black.

The schools sweater and topcoat are optional for colder weather.


Please see the below uniform regulations for further essential information.

PE kit


The following PE kit is compulsory and can also be purchased online as above.



Royal Blue Emblem Polo Shirt


Royal Blue Shorts


Royal Blue PE Socks


Boys Rugby Shirt (Optional for colder weather)


Printed Sweatshirt (Optional for colder weather)


Gum Shields compulsory for Rugby lessons                     

Shin Pads are compulsory for all Football lessons


Should parents require support with purchasing school Uniform a second-hand service is available in school. Please contact the school office for this support.


The following regulations will apply:

  1. House badges are part of the school uniform and must be worn on the left lapel on the student’s blazer.
  2. Hats/caps are not to be brought to school, neither are they to be worn to or from school.
  3. All skirts must be purchased from the school uniform shop they must be at least knee length with no side splits.
  4. Trousers must be purchased from the school uniform shop. Not of denim or chino style.
  5. Trainers, trainer style shoes or boots are not acceptable as school shoes. Fashion shoes, including canvas shoes are not allowed on Health & Safety grounds.
  6. Overcoats and over jackets must be plain navy or black, must not contain logos or be of a denim or leather material.
  7. Sweater tops, or track suit tops (particularly with hoods) are not to be worn to or from school or around the school building.
  8. Shirts must be tucked inside trousers and skirts.
  9. Hijabs must be plain navy blue or black.
  10. Scarves to be worn in the winter only. Navy blue or black colour only.
  11. Hair must be neat and tidy and not dyed or coloured. Hair weaves put in their hair must match the natural hair colour. Hair should be Grade 2 in length and above on all parts of the head and undercuts are not permitted. Lines must not be cut in to hair or eyebrows and hair bands must be black and no wider than 2 inches.
  12. Nail extensions are not permitted on Health and Safety grounds. Make up, nail varnish and eyelash extensions are not allowed.
  13. Jewellery - Single watch, one pair of small ear studs (gold or silver) only. No chains, bracelets, rings or teeth jewellery. Nose studs or other facial piercings are not allowed.

Any student who is not adhering to the uniform policy may receive one or some of the following sanctions until the uniform issues are corrected:

  • Parents will be requested to bring required items to school for their child.
  • Removal from the general school population and supervised by their Year Leader for all lessons and including break time and lunch time.
  • Confiscation and parent collection of items that are not school uniform.
  • Letter home to remain on pupil file.


Sixth Form

You will be aware the wearing of our school uniform in years 7-11 is an integral part of the school ethos of promoting high standards, positive attitudes and a sense of personal pride. To help maintain this into Sixth Form, students will be expected to dress in a manner which is appropriate for a smart business environment. For the sake of clarity, for both parents and students, the key parts of our Dress Code policy are outlined below:

Sixth Form


  • 6th Form blazer and trousers purchased from Premier Schoolwear
  • Collared white shirt and 6th Form tie
  • Black or navy coloured socks
  • Smart leather (or leather effect) shoes
  • Lanyard with visible ID badge



  • 6th Form blazer, trousers or knee length shirt purchased from Premier Schoolwear
  • White revere blouse without 6th form tie or collared white shirt with 6th Form tie
  • Black or flesh coloured tights should be worn with skirts
  • Smart leather (or leather effect) shoes. These should be flat or have a heel 1” or less
  • Lanyard with visible ID badge


Additional Guidance 

  • Blazer must be worn when walking around the school site
  • Coats should be plain and dark in colour. They must not be worn inside any school building. Coats made from leather of denim are not permitted and they should not display logos, images or writing
  • Sweater tops, track suit tops and hoodies are not permitted
  • Shirts must be tucked inside trousers and blouses inside skirts
  • Girls are prohibited from wearing ankle socks over their tights
  • Hats/caps are not permitted
  • Plain navy hijab’s are permitted
  • Plain navy scarves can be worn in the winter only
  • Jewellery permitted - single watch, one pair of small ear studs (gold or silver) no chains, bracelets or rings. Nose studs or other facial piercings are strictly prohibited
  • Modest make up and nail varnish is permitted, but eyelash extensions are not
  • Hair should be neat and tidy. Coloured dyes are not allowed
  • Extreme haircuts which includes tightly shaved hair are not permitted
  • Beads and other similar hair accessories are not allowed to be worn
  • Hair weaves are only permitted if they match their natural hair colour
  • Hair bands must be navy and no wider than 2 inches
  • Patterns cut into hair or eyebrows are not permitted
  • Nail extensions are not permitted on Health and Safety grounds
  • Tattoos must not be visible
  • Roll necks, hoodies or sweat shirts are not permitted
  • Boots, plimsolls and trainers are not allowed


Further guidance can be found below: 

Year 7-11 Uniform Details & Regulations policy

Sixth Form Dress Code