Chaplaincy and the Society of St Joseph

Chaplains: Mrs McCormick and Sr Bora
Our Chaplaincy Team is led by Sister Bora and Mrs McCormick. Throughout the week, supported by students in the Society of St Joseph, they organise activities in the chapel, such as Bible Study, Rosary Group and Pray and Play sessions. The chaplains are on site every day (Sister Bora Monday to Wednesday, Mrs McCormick Wednesday to Friday) for the spiritual wellbeing of students and staff: anyone can drop in and find someone to pray with, to have a chat with, or simply to see a friendly face. They are also on hand to support the RE department, offering students prayer and worship experiences which support the RE Curriculum.

Members of the Society of St. Joseph
The Society of St Joseph support the Chaplains in Catholic life and mission, prayer and liturgy within the school. The current members, who wear red ties, span from Year 7 to Year 11. They include readers, altar servers, those who lead prayer, sing and participate in the activities in the chapel.

St Joseph
Their model, St Joseph, foster-father to Jesus, was a man of few words but great impact. As such, students in the Society of St Joseph strive to be humble servants of Christ and representatives of our RUAH values and school virtues in all they do.