Year Group Assemblies
Weekly year group assemblies bring the All Saints family together in prayer and celebration of being One in Christ. Assemblies are led by a member of Senior Leadership Team, Heads of Year and Chaplaincy. Content is based on the liturgical themes of the week and the Catholic Values which are the focus to each particular year group. Weekly themes reflect the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church and keeps Christ at the centre of our school community.
Click here to see Assembly Themes for Worship and Liturgy
Assemblies provide all pupils with a time set apart specifically to engage in spiritual formation, deepening their understanding of Catholic teachings, values, and traditions, contributing to their personal development and spiritual growth.
Assemblies provide moral and ethical guidance rooted in teachings of Christ, emphasising the cardinal and theological virtues. Assemblies align with the liturgical calendar and draw on themes from the Sunday Mass readings promoting the culture of full and active participation called for in the Second Vatican Council (Sacrosanctum Concilium 14).
Form Assemblies
Form assemblies take place during form time every two weeks and are based on the liturgical themes of the week. Form assemblies are an opportunity for pupils to write and lead worship in their form classes and to reflect on what the theme of the week means to them in their faith journey. Pupils embrace the opportunity explore the themes of the week and personalise the assemblies by meeting the spiritual needs of the form in prayer and reflection.

Year 13 Form Assembly

Year 7 Form Assembly

Year 9 Assembly
House Assemblies
House assemblies are a joyful celebration, bringing together years 7 -13 every half term. Student leaders write and lead communal worship in House assemblies with a focus on the unique virtues of the House saint.

Margaret House Assembly

Catherine House Assembly
Heads of House encourage our pupils to celebrate and share their God given gifts and talents beyond the classroom, embracing their competitive nature by participation in a range of House Competitions.

Francis House Assembly