More Able

More Able students (formerly known as 'Gifted and Talented') have been defined as those students who have one or more abilities developed to a level significantly ahead of their year group (or with the potential to develop these abilities). 

More Able pupils are those who will exceed the expectations for their age group, either in all subjects or just one. The More Able are a diverse group and their range of attainment will be varied; some do well in statutory national curriculum tests or national qualifications. However, being More Able covers much more than the ability to succeed in tests and examinations.

More Able students comprise around 5-10% of the schools’ population. At All Saints we identify the More Able students in all subjects. 

More Able learners are those young people who are achieving, or have the potential to achieve, at a level significantly beyond that of their peer group within a specific area of the curriculum.

More able learners are those who have the ability to excel academically in one or more subjects such as English, maths, science or geography.

Talented describes those learners who have the practical skills to excel in areas such as sport, leadership or artistic performance.

Broadly speaking these young people will tend to:

  • Show a passion for particular areas of interest and seek to pursue them
  • Analyse their own behaviour and hence use a greater range of learning strategies than others
  • Make connections between past and present learning
  • Demonstrate intellectual curiosity
  • Show intellectual maturity and enjoy engaging with in-depth subject material
  • Actively and enthusiastically engage in debate and discussion
  • Produce original and creative responses to common problems

Our more able students are identified on entry to the school using information held by primary schools about that student’s learning and achievements in Key Stage 2. We use this information to make sure we provide students with the right level of challenge. Our more able students will be identified on entry by:

1. having a Key Stage 2 fine score in maths and English of level 5.4 or above


2. having a Key Stage 2 score in maths and English of level 5.0 or above if they are a Pupil Premium student


3. having a CATS test score in the top 10% nationally


4. showing exceptional attainment in a range of subjects in the first term of Year 7.

We provide a wide range of high-level extra-curricular enrichment opportunities e.g. through the More Able programmes and through subject-specific clubs and visits.

Many faculties offer students the opportunities to enter local and national competitions. Other extra curricular activities include:

  • Brilliant Club
  • Trips and visits
  • Subject clubs/workshops
  • Visiting speakers and Master classes
  • Internal and external competitions
  • Revision and enrichment provision for examination courses
  • Peer teaching/mentoring opportunities
  • Grouping of students in and within teaching groups is designed to promote differentiated learning at all levels.